The Folklore ensemble for the New Year is a performance of famous Winter, New Year and Christmas songs, as well as, the most well-known Russian folk songs. Each number is accompanied by the artists professional choreography. Discuss with the organizers of the event to personalize the concert to include fun with the audience: folk dances, quadrilles, games with colorful props like a ribbon carousel, noise instruments and more. The ensemble will delight you with live perfomances, beautiful harmony, unique energy and enthusiasm, and a large selection of stunning designer costumes. The program can last from 30 minutes or longer once discussed. For the New Year, the Russian folk ensemble performs a program which can be one continuous performance, or divided into several units with a change of costumes and repertoire.
The performance is designed for events held at various venues: city stages and parks, restaurants and recreation centers, offices and shopping centers. The Folk Ensemble at Christmas will delight the audience with its unique energy, exceptional song program, and interactive numbers with the audience.
For the New Years program, you will hear, "Oh, Frost, Frost", "Oh, Snow, Snowball", "Suddenly as in a Fairy Tale the door Creaked", "Valenki", "Three White Horses" and others. Listen to examples in the AUDIO section . You will also hear popular Russian folk songs: "Peddlers", "Candy-Baranochki", "I'll Go out on the Street", "Uhar-Merchant", "Kalinka", "Oh, at Luzhku", "Quadrille" and others.